Wind Pioneers

Energy Production Assessments

Energy Production Assessments

Wind Pioneers has developed a fully-automated approach for wind resource assessments. This enables fast delivery of results, suitable for fast-moving organizations.

We are pioneering a data-intensive wind resource assessment approach in the true sense of the term, wherein we look into a myriad of possible wind speed prediction methodologies to arrive at high-fidelity consensus estimates. Additionally, we correlate our estimates to various possible influencers, such as El Niño and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, to have more accurate insight into the drivers of wind speed at site. Wind Pioneers has also developed advanced algorithms to conduct time-series wind data analyses to extract highly valuable information for potential wind farm sites.

What we Offer

Wind Flow

Full Energy Production Assessments

Wind Flow Modelling

Every wind flow model has advantages and disadvantages. Wind Pioneers uses multiple independent wind flow models to gain a consensus understanding of the variation of wind speeds across the site. This approach is unique in the industry for its thoroughness and provides un-rivalled results.

The WAsP wind flow model is an industry standard wind flow model. Its relative weaknesses and strengths are well understood and consequently pragmatic adjustments to predicted wind speeds can be made. However, the flow model is a simple linear model and not well suited to large, complex sites. Wind Pioneers tackles this disadvantage by using other wind flow models including one based on the Navier-Stokes equation of momentum conservation. Wind Pioneers also uses publicly available wind maps to understand the mesoscale variation in wind speeds across the site, and to inform the results from the microscale models, where deemed appropriate.

A full CFD wind flow model may be recommended at certain sites if the site features complex terrain or there are large distances between site masts and proposed turbine locations.

Wind Pioneers has developed a highly-automated approach for energy production assessments. This enables fast delivery of results, suitable for fast-moving organizations.

We are pioneering a data-intensive wind resource assessment approach in the true sense of the term, wherein we look into a myriad of possible wind speed estimates to arrive at high-fidelity consensus estimates. Additionally, we correlate our estimates to various possible influencers, such as El Niño and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, to have more accurate insight into the drivers of wind speed at site.

Full Energy Production Assessment

Wind Pioneers undertakes long-term wind analyses, site flow modelling and turbine modelling along with assumptions for site losses and uncertainties to provide an energy production assessment of the site.

Monthly by Hourly Production Matrix

Wind Pioneers uses diurnal and season variations in wind speed at the site to estimate the temporal variation in energy production at the site. For sites with tariffs that vary according to season or time of day, Wind Pioneers provides you with the total annual revenue allowing for monthly and hourly variations.